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Wilf Davies Mike Sampson
Keith Bjorndahl Mark Johnson
Barrie Hughes David Conway

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Wilf plays keyboard and Hammond organ and has been performing since he was fifteen on stage both on Vancouver Island, as well as in the USA. Wilf taught school band across the gulf islands and has seen many of his students go on to do great things musically.
Mike has been playing guitar in and around Victoria in various combos for the past 20-years. As the newest member of the Southbound group , he particularly enjoys the broad mix of jazz, R&B, pop and a touch of country that the band performs.

Keith has his roots in family bands in Saskatchewan. Keith is a high-flying pilot when he isn’t playing percussion and singing with Southbound and Friends.

Mark plays bass and is an amazing performer. He plays regularly with Southbound and Friends band and has extensive musical experience having played the cruise ship lines as well as many other venues across Canada.

Barrie is a versatile musician playing lead guitar in jazz, mandolin and bass.

David plays guitar and bass in several contexts. He's taught, recorded and toured several generations of kid's rock bands in elementary schools in northern B.C. before moving back to Victoria a few years ago

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